What I do

The motivation for me to start a consultancy was to assist businesses and organisations solve communication and perception issues that confront them. Whether it's how they are perceived by their stakeholders, how they communicate and the messages they use, I see my role as being a facilitator and a conduit to good strategy and practice. 

I can help you understand what people think about you, your business or organisation through either qualitative or quantitate means. We can then work on the results to put them into a helpful strategy so you can improve what you do for the people you do it for. 

Maybe you need a political or media strategy for your organisation or project and associated message development.  

Do you need some advice on how to mount a campaign to sell an idea or a change? 

Or you need an understanding of a particular environment and profiles of the players involved?

Perhaps you have a senior leader in your organisation who needs assistance with communcations, media relations and direction?

A lifelong campaigner, I'm always keen to help put together a plan of action to change the world and make something positive happen. And I can help advise on how you execute it too.    

Perception Audits

Most of us are nervous to discover what others think of us. It’s true for organisations and businesses in the professional world too.

I work with people to help them understand how they and their work is perceived by those who matter most to them. I drill down on key issues of performance, face to face with stakeholders, clients, partners, governance and management to get the real oil on how they perceive operations and direction. It's independent, non threatening and hugely informative. 

Many businesses and organisations conduct broad brush surveys or research that tell them what they want to hear and keep them on the track they have already chosen. That has its place. However, most organisations can obtain important perceptions,  themes and feedback by engaging me to talk to their key stakeholders one on one. This gives enormous insights both big and small. 

I then work with you to ensure your strategy matches your execution by taking the best insights from the people who matter most to your organisation - both internally and externally.

So what's worse? Taking the step and finding out the reality about what people think about what you do, then making adjustments and improvements OR not finding out and leaving the fire-fighting until it's too late?